After a long thought, I've decided to put Dani's comic on a hold. Reason being after failing to change the format to a usual comic format using what I had before, It just doesn't work. Look at previous post
here, to understand what I'm referring to.
Putting it briefly for those who may have missed it, the comic was an attempt to make a mobile comic app. The format was 320x480 pixels and can only be read by scrolling down vertically, example would be one of those long meme or gag comics that you ought to find anywhere. I attempted to use a JRPG style because I thought it was a good idea at the time and since it's mostly repetitive images and easy to make.
It was accepted by the publishers but because of my current financial problems, I have to turn down their contract.
Still, I really loved working on Dani. It was a very fun work. It was one of those works that I didn't believe I could pull off actually.
And that work above is probably what I would've used as a cover. I decided to finish it because I really love working on this comic.
I waited for a while to see if the new comic format would do justice but after some feedback, it seems that it just doesn't work. Thus, the comic is currently scrapped.
The solution then was to basically redo it as a common page comic from scratch and that takes a very long time. So there'd probably be less updates by then unless if I have anything worthwhile to show.
a darker version because lol now it looks like stickers.