Sunday 4 November 2012

Suai Kenal Hikmah 2012

Usually I don't upload my sketches especially from my own personal visual diary but since I'm running a blog, I have to make it worth watching.

So, first of all, sorry for the slow update lately. Been busy going places here and there.

Just today, I've just got through a talk or conference on Islamic Malay culture called 'HIKMAH' or Himpunan Kedaulatan Melayu Islam Akhir Zaman'. Basically the talk invites all the hardcore researchers from all over the country to come down and share their knowledge, their thesis and their research on whatever they specialize in to share, inform and just get around and get connected with each other. Although it was just a scaled down event for another of its main event. Scaled down as in it had difficulties to launch its actual event so it was postponed but as for today, it summarizes what's going to have for the main event very soon.

So, there was a lot of explanation and some clarity clearance going on and it was informative for me. It's even harder to try stuff it all down in this one post but I can assure you it was very much worth my life research and expanding my knowledge about my own Malay culture.

I've also done sketches during the talk and during showcases of some malay weapons. I don't take pictures as it became a habit for me to draw and record without a camera. I tend to forget whatever I took with the camera anyway unless if it was for a photo reference for work.

I've managed to get a page done thankfully still by tonight so hopefully, I did not disappoint for those who may be expecting the comic to be up weekly.

Well other than that, I've just recently watched and interviewed a grandmaster at malay traditional archery and horseback archery and will upload pictures taken and sketches done during my whole time with him and his class possibly by next week.

maybe then, I can show a thing or two on how bow strings are attached on a recurve bow that totally blew my mind... probably because I was so new to it and it was the most awesome thing I've ever seen. It's just that fun to see how pros work ;)

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