Thursday 7 March 2013

Unrelated Sketches

Perhaps I should do a separate blog? but then again, I've been updating more than just Liga comics here anyway. I really hope y'all don't mind.

Apologies for the lack of Liga Prajurit comic updates but since classes have started and such, been busy with something else for the moment.

but I do have a bit of free time here and there, not to mention with only three days a week classes only.

SO anyway, I've been working on something different recently, taking a bit of a break from doing Liga comics. It's basically about airships and sea ships battling each other among other stuff but we'll get to that later.

For now, I did a few sketches that have been quite a while that were stuck in the head so I just had to let it all out.

I love how everything works so far but have been trying to figure out the kinks and if anything make sense or not.

Here are some of the sketches,

Probably more later.

See ya's!


  1. wow.. ni sngt menarik!!!! rekaan sendiri?

  2. @Muz Thanks!

    @Gadis Misteri, a'ah. Mula2 stakat utk idea komik tp skrg dah jadi idea utk painting final sem haha


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