Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Dani - Page Comic format

Finally began work on Dani as a printed/page comic format.

although for the time being, I think I'm going to stick to black and white for the moment because colours that would probably take too long.

Oh and not to mention trying out a new story introduction that cuts out a lot of the early talking parts.

Monday, 22 December 2014

Dani - update

Another part of the story I want to show while I'm working on it as well as other stuff going on.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Dani more preview

I've been continuously working on Dani individual scenes such as examples at the top is what taking some time. The second part is done, later part going to where the beast hides for fights and what not.

More to come and if so fate willing, hopefully will finalize in apk format for download.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Dani - Syazwin 2

Can't think up of a proper title :P

Just wanted to post that I'm still working on this and it's coming. This is also just wanted to play around with another character I just recently finished.

Also just to add from my previous post, a generous friend of mine managed to turn this comic into a proper android app in apk format before. I installed it and it works... mostly. Of course, I doubt a lot would try but still, this is pretty fun for the most part.

The second part of the story is being done and while there is a few pages of action going on, I noticed that there's still just as much talking as the first part. I can only hope it can be just read through with ease and quickness because that's all there is to it in single panel pages comics like these.

I also notice there are A LOT of mobile app comics out there recently, I actually find it interesting. Still not sure how THIS will work out but still, am going to try finish at least one episode anyway.
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