Friday 3 May 2013

Progress this week

There have been slight development in both the first and second paintings as I am currently more interested in  finishing the third one because it's fairly larger than the first two.

There isn't any relatively new changes with the first work. Although, here is an example of what had developed in the second painting, (I hope the flash isn't too distracting but this is the only way to get accurate colours with it)

The third one is a bit tricky. It's half done but I can't take a picture yet because the painting is ridiculously long (the painting is only about 5 by 9 feet long, but 14 feet in length as a full-length scroll) and it'll be a hassle just trying to take a picture of it.

The other half of that third painting is this sketch in which will be drawn on it later. It was done as a sketch first to tackle those tricky perspective problems so I had to make sure it looks right before moving on to the larger scale.

If there are any noticable mistakes or if you have ideas on how to make it look better, please don't shy away from pointing it out!

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