Sunday 14 April 2013

First 2 works for this semester...

... IN PROGRESS I might add.

Using techniques and a form of presentation that I myself still have not yet fully understood... So, we'll see how it goes whether will it work or not.

Both will be about 3x5 feet size irl, to be done in monochromatic sepia(i think) because not enough time to do full colour.

Feel free to comment whether I could've done it better at any way or whether I screwed up the perspective somewhere or anything else.


  1. salamm...inking guna software pa ek? sy ni budak baru blajar..baru ada wacom..tgh cari mana lg mudah nk pakai. illustrator senang nk buat line yg smooth sbb dia auto smooth. tp ada restriction nk wat bentuk saya nk..

    corel painter plak takde auto smooth. saya dh la tak terrer sgt lukis..macam herot2 plak..

  2. aku x rasa illustrator pakai tuk inking drawing. mostly illustrator guner tuk graphic work, cam logo, baju design, bunting n so so.

    baik guner photoshop or sai. dedua nih bagi aku basic. :D


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