Here's another something I've been working for a couple of weeks.
One of the main antagonists that's going to appear in the new story are robots or remote controlled drones as the bad guys or lackeys and whatnot.
the idea inspired by Elysium, the one reference I really like because it features security robots that are actually looking current, as in today. I then figured out that the designs for it are mostly based on current examples and experiments of actual existing robots today such as the DARPA Atlas robot and used current tech from cpu fans to factory arms as hands and such that immediately feels very relatable.
These designs were done also in Flash and it's surprisingly very easy because of how you can split the objects apart, like layers on photoshop but with less management, making it easy to move around and such.
While there's still much to fix with it, I'm still happy how this comes out and will use as first reference until something better comes up.
PS: prolly gonna need more wires around everywhere as well as stars and stripes or something.
PSS: Also, I'm new to this robots thing so yeah.. give me time ;o;
Example of full body,
Example of separate zoomed body parts for easy details referencing,