Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Liga Prajurit Page 40, Publishing Plans and more.

Liga Prajurit Page 40

I have to first apologize for the late entry. Last week, I've been facing a lot of issues that slowed down on working on my comics considerably. Although during that time, I've reassessed to the weakness of my comics and referred to other works to how to get it better. Even though it is still difficult to keep a constant consistency with meeting weekly deadlines, I will do my best to get this better.

As a plus for being late, I've uploaded a sketch of my hopefully next work that is still in development but has already the main ideas and story built.

Notice that Jawi/Arabic stamp there? I ordered it from a local stamp vendor to have it in Turkish Tughra design with my freakin' name on it. It's the best.

Plus plus, I've managed to find independent publishers in my work place and managed to ask around to how should I publish this work. And so, if god so wills it, I will try to finish this work and publish it by the end of the year. So be on the lookout for future updates on it. If it works out, of course.
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